My Service to You

Counselling Sessions are face to face or via Zoom/Skype in both English and Polish.​  

I work with:

  • Adults
  • Young people from age 13+
  • Couples and
  • Relationships

Individual Therapy

I offer counselling for a wide range of presenting concerns including:

  • conditions such as depression, addiction, anxiety or an eating disorder,
  • difficult life event, such as a relationship breakdown or work related stress
  • difficult feelings and emotions such as loneliness, anger or low self-esteem
  • resolving conflict in your relationship
  • parenting issues and struggles
  • cycle of family trauma
  • bereavement
  • issues with finances / work
  • exam stress and procrastinating
  • finding life purpose and restoring balance
  • starting a new business or changing your career
  • dealing with physical health conditions, such as chronic pain

​I am here to offer you my full attention, genuine interest and care for your well-being. I will encourage you to talk about your feelings and emotions, and listen without judgment or criticism, but will also highlight thoughts and issues you may want to reflect on and address.

​In our session, I am keen to help you get a better understanding of your feelings and thought processes, and may also encourage you to focus on responses in your body to help you release any suppressed emotions. I will also help you develop coping skills and mechanisms to enable you to make positive changes in your life. ​

You may be seeking counselling to resolve a specific issue or would like to work through deeper unresolved issues/patterns; accordingly, we can work on either a short-term result-focused basis, or in a more open-ended manner.​

Change can be scary as it involves letting go of what is familiar and stepping into the unknown – which requires faith and trust. I will walk alongside you, providing you the guidance and support you need, not telling you what to do but empowering you to make those changes yourself. 

Once work together, we will regularly review progress to ensure you are getting the most out of our sessions.

An investment from £60 per session. Contact me for more details.

Couples and Relationships

Couple and Relationship Counselling can change lives. If you feel like you are struggling in your current relationship then this may be the time to try something different. 

Relationships, whether romantic, parent - child, siblings, business partners or other, can be challenging at times. With little help and willingness, you can change the direction of it.

I am here to provide a neutral space to help bring you together in order to explore the presenting issues. There will be no criticising or judging involved.

Counselling can help you resolve presenting issues such as:

  • finding direction or making decisions about the future
  • differences in upbringing your child/children (also step-parenting)
  • help improve overall communication
  • help to learn and understand each other's needs (as well as your own needs)
  • help understand how you co-create interaction patterns and how you can change them
  • issues related to intimacy / lack of intimacy
  • help resolve family conflict
  • and other

​Please contact me to discuss your individual situation and determine if and how I can help you.

An investment: £75 per session (50min). Contact me for more details. 

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